Soldering Stencils by Lierre
For those of you who may not know my smith sister, Michelle of Lierreworks filigree. In my personal and professional opinion Michelle is the next GREAT emerging filigree artist. It...
For those of you who may not know my smith sister, Michelle of Lierreworks filigree. In my personal and professional opinion Michelle is the next GREAT emerging filigree artist. It...
I believe in maintaining a good level of humor in my life. Often times dry is my most favored method of humor delivery. However, occasionally I go straight for overt throat. Enter the Cabochon Reclamation And Pry stick, CRAP stick...
Currently it is difficult to scroll through Instagram or TikTok and not see someone mentioning or advertising permanent jewelry. What is permanent jewelry? Simply, permanent jewelry is jewelry that you can’t take off. Instead of a traditional clasp, the two...
We love our Titanium (Ti) at Lion Punch Forge, but why is it so special. Ti is largely used in the Aerospace, bio medical industry, situations where corrosion resistance and good high temperature performance are important. Unfortunately, Ti is...
For those of you who may not know my smith sister, Michelle of Lierreworks filigree. In my personal and professional opinion Michelle is the next GREAT emerging filigree artist. It is an honor to call her a friend and more...