Hawks eye 13x18 Cabochons
These Hawks eye cabochons are 13x18mm with a high dome. they come from an old stock estate and are beautiful!
Price is per stone.
Hawkseye is the natural blue variety of tigers eye.
What is Hawks eye?
Hawks eye is a unique gemstone variety of fibrous quartz, ranging in color from blue-gray to blue-green. It is a type of macrocrystalline quartz that has undergone a transformation process known as pseudomorphism. This occurs when one mineral gradually changes into another over time.
In the case of hawk's eye, it originally formed as crocidolite, a blue fibrous mineral from the riebeckite family of amphibole silicates, which is a type of asbestos. (completely harmless as a finished cabochon.) As quartz slowly replaces the fibers of crocidolite, the transformation of hawk's eye takes place, maintaining the original mineral's fibrous structure while adopting a new composition.